Surval Montreux

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Our Values at Surval Montreux

Surval's programs offer a shared experience and aim to empower girls to challenge themselves and to lead their Surval journey.. When girls are supported to embrace opportunities for challenge, ownership and leadership, they will be equipped to be resilient, independent and courageous individuals in the future.


Own your voice

The philosophy behind Own Your Voice is to celebrate, recognise, and respect the unique perspectives, voices, and agency of every girl in our school community. As a community, we believe that we should create an environment where girls feel empowered to express themselves authentically and with confidence in their own way.

lead your journey

Lead Your Journey represents the belief that every girl has the potential and agency to chart her own course. Self-determination, resilience, and personal responsibility are emphasised. Through our school environment, we empower girls to take charge of their learning, their dreams, and their aspirations.

challenge yourself

Challenge Yourself promotes the idea that individuals grow and transform when they step out of their comfort zones and challenge themselves beyond their perceived limits. By creating a culture of active learning, we encourage our girls to actively seek out opportunities that will challenge them, broaden their horizons, and develop their resilience. It is our school's culture to encourage effort, perseverance, and the willingness to take on new challenges.

all girls boarding school

Challenge Yourself

  • Enjoy the multicultural experience of Surval
  • Push your multilingual competency and gain fluency in French Language
  • Try a new adventure sport 
  • Look for opportunities to show creativity and entrepreneurship
  • Explore new places with open-mindedness

swiss boarding school at surval montreux

Lead Your Surval Journey 

  • Identify personal goals 
  • Personalise your academic and enrichment programme 
  • Reflect on your progress
  • Seek ways to make a difference in the community


challenge yourself at surval montreux

Own Your Voice 

  • Take an active part in ‘Surval Voices’ (Student Council, Charity, Sustainability, Communications, Events, Catering committees) 
  • Engage actively in the learning process
  • Embrace opportunities to lead with compassion

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Become a Surval girl

Our admissions process

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Get in touch with us to book a personal one to one meeting with our Principal Mrs Woodhouse

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