Working at Surval Montreux, boarding school for girls

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Working with us at Surval Montreux

Surval provides a truly exceptional environment for students and staff alike. Each member of staff at Surval has the opportunity to make an impact on the experience of every student, in the classroom, in the house and beyond. At Surval we are a committed team and seek to provide the very best experience to the girls and always remain open to new opportunities and creative thinking. Surval staff are open minded, flexible, dynamic team players who are keen to be fully involved in the life of this busy international boarding school, whether during the school year and/or supporting our camp programmes.

Our employment opportunities

We are currently not in the process of hiring. 

Become a Surval girl

Our admissions process

Semester Abroad

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Get in touch with us to book a personal one to one meeting with our Principal Mrs Woodhouse

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