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Surval Stories

We are always very happy to hear from our global Survalienne network, and strongly encourage you to share your stories, news and events with us. Personal or professional news and achievements, your Surval fondest memories or Survalienne reunions you are organising. We will share within the entire Surval family and support you in any way we can. 

Our Survalienne Stories

Become an Ambassador in your country

We are always looking to extend our Ambassador network, and welcome any Survalienne who is passionate about the school and willing to promote Surval and support key activities linked to Survalienne engagement, student recruitment, talks and mentorship for current girls, and exploring events, initiatives or charities that you think Surval should get involved with in your local community. 

If you would like to become an Ambassador in your country, please send an email to

Visit Surval

We are always delighted to welcome back Survaliennes to the school throughout the year. Let us know if you are in town, and we will ensure to show you around the school, and organise for you to meet our staff and current cohort of Surval girls. 

Schedule a visit

Update your contact details

To make sure that we can keep you up to date on Survalienne news, events and reunions, please do ensure we have your up to date contact details. To submit your email and postal address, please complete the form here

Update my Details

Become a Surval girl

Our admissions process

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Find out more

Get in touch with us to book a personal one to one meeting with our Principal Mrs Woodhouse

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