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University and Career Pathways

At Surval, our curriculum includes preparation for girls’ university choices and future careers. Our personalised approach ensures that each girl is supported and empowered to pursue her career aspirations.

Survaliennes have been accepted at Russell Group, World Best, QS Top Universities and Forbes America's Best Colleges, as well as other excellent universities and colleges worldwide. 

Click here to download Surval's latest Universities Destinations. 

We achieve this by nurturing our students' talents and interests, and working individually with each girl to identify the best career route for her. We then help students to develop a detailed plan of the subjects required to reach their desired goal, and a university applications plan to ensure they align their strengths with what universities are looking for.

This process includes a student self-assessment to help girls identify suitable career options, support in building the skill-set required for their future success and personalised advice on the most appropriate extra-curricular activities and work experience for their chosen career path. 

Our teaching approach aims to build strong independent study skills and critical thinking, so that each Survalienne is prepared for student life at university or college. 

We ensure our girls are fully informed in their education choices by: 

  • Inviting representatives of leading Universities to give presentations and workshops
  • Equipping students with the most up to date admissions information and making them aware of the admissions procedures for each relevant establishment
  • Attending international University and College Fairs and Open Days
  • Running workshops at Surval so girls can explore all the opportunities available to them worldwide
  • Assisting them to plan far beyond university, and focus on future employment opportunities

View our latest blog from our Principal on 2024 university destinations for our Surval girls.


Pre-University Preparation

Surval supports girls with university application by:

  • Advising of critical information such as application requirements, deadlines and fees
  • Providing references, recommendations and transcripts of their academic achievements 
  • Delivering workshops on how to write outstanding personal statements for university applications, or how to prepare for essays and university interviews 
  • Conducting mock university interviews 
  • Delivering Preparation Programmes for any tests that they may have to sit in order to apply to a particular university or a particular country

Preparation Programmes

  • SAT (Scholastic Aptitude / Assessment Test)
  • ACT (American College Test)
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
  • UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test)
  • BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test)
  • LNAT (Law National Aptitude Test)


Networking and making valuable contacts within the wider world are an important part of the Careers Programme at Surval. We have many direct links across the globe. Many of our students continue their educational career in Switzerland and our growing connections with Swiss universities are critical. International Business is also a popular option for Surval girls and the variety of establishments across Switzerland meet all requirements with their Bachelor and Masters Programmes, developing business leaders with insight and influence.

Become a Surval girl

Our admissions process

Semester Abroad

Find out more

Get in touch with us to book a personal one to one meeting with our Principal Mrs Woodhouse

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