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Old Staff

Kathryn De Ferrer


 Kathryn De Ferrer From three generations of educators, Kathryn resisted the call to teach for a long time, but after many years in business and journalism, along with a BA and MA in Theatre Arts, she finally gave in and retrained as a Drama teacher.

After several years as a Head of House, she was appointed as Deputy Head Pastoral at a girls’ full boarding school, where she helped lead the school to an Excellent rating by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. As well as being a pastoral and boarding lead in the independent sector, her three daughters have also attended boarding schools, so she has an in-depth experience as both an educator and a parent. She is passionate about girls-only education and boarding.

In her spare time, she enjoys marathon kayaking and trains for and competes (very slowly) in ultra-marathons and other long-distance events, having taken part in multi-day races in the UK, Iceland, Nepal, Morocco and the Arctic Circle.

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