Academic Blogs Special Events Survaliennes

Student Blog: Careers Presentation from Survalienne Lusiya

14 January 2019

“I wanted to follow my dream of having a career”

Former Surval student Lusiya Ftoyan reflects on how Surval helped prepare her to become the first woman in her family to work towards a university degree…

I graduated from Surval in June 2018. It was an emotional and, at the same time, exciting period of my life. I was starting a new chapter – my studies in university. I believe that for every teenager it is difficult to answer their parents' question: what do you want to do with your future?  And so I would like to share how I made my choice about my future career.

Since I was in primary school, when teachers asked us, what do you want to do in your future, all my classmates were saying things like astronaut or pilot or actress. My answer was always the same: "I want to be a businesswoman, because I want to be the one who leads, rather than be led.” Even though among all my family, there is no woman that has gained a university degree, I was eager to destroy this tendency and become the first one to follow her own passion and dream of having a career.

Today I am proud to say that after my studies at Surval, I was accepted to Lausanne Business School on a Business Administration programme. I know that there are many challenges that I will face. However, Surval gave me a solid academic background and, just as important, it gave me confidence; I am not afraid of challenges and feel well prepared for what lies ahead. 

Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank all my teachers at Surval and my principal - Mrs Woodhouse. Thank you for your continuous support and belief in me. And thank you for giving me power to spread my wings and fly with a proud name - SURVALIENNE!

My second home, my Surval, you will always remain in my heart! 

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