Academic Blogs

Student Blog - Life in the Trenches During WW1

18 November 2020

Surval’s innovative learning approach develops independence, curiosity and critical thinking, and promotes student ownership, application and empowerment.

Katya (Grade 10, Russia) has recently completed this awesome film project focusing on WWI trench warfare. She explains,

“I am really interested in History.  At the moment we are looking at military events during the First World War. I think this is really interesting because these types of events always change the course of history and so much happens because of them.

I wanted to produce a video about life in the trenches because I wanted to be creative and do something a little different.  I felt I could really express my ideas and do well by making a video and I enjoy working in this way.  It is something I really liked about the project because we were free to choose how we could present our work and what we wanted to include.”

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