Blogs Boarding Life Winter Term

Surval Swiss Gap French Advent Calendar

26 November 2021

Our Swiss Gap students have created a great new interactive language learning tool: the Surval French Advent Calendar!

Surval Swiss Gap students Kiki, Fery and Valeria are delighted to share their French Advent Calendar for Christmas 2021.

Click here to access the online Advent Calendar and start learning French!

Instructions are very simple: starting on the 1st of December 2021 and every day in December leading up to Christmas, you will need to click on a new window to open it up. Each window hides a little "educational gift": namely a French conversational topic (e.g. "Au restaurant"), as well as five key sentences that you can use if you find yourself in a similar situation, or if you wish to discuss that same topic with someone. 

The Surval Swiss Gap Advent Calendar is ideal to improve your French conversational skills at A1 and A2 level. What are you waiting for? Start learning & practising now!

Warmest wishes for the festive season from 

Surval Swiss Gap

Get in touch with us to book a personal one to one meeting with our Principal Mrs Woodhouse

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