surval montreux fees

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Surval Montreux Fees

School Year and French & Culture Gap Programmes

Annual Boarding and Academic Fees 2024-25

Tuition, Boarding and Enrichment

Autumn Term  40% Winter Term 40% Spring Term 20%

Full Year 2024/2025 CHF 112'000


The fees listed above cover the following:

  • Class tuition
  • Evening and weekend activities at School or locally
  • Day excursions within Switzerland
  • Loan of textbooks and other materials for class (unless students wish to write in them)
  • Use of facilities, library and access to the Internet
  • Accommodation and all meals
  • Laundry (excluding dry cleaning)
  • Provision of all linen
  • Surval Sports Programme


Fees for new students:

  • Application Fee – CHF 2'500.- (non-refundable)
  • Deposit Fee – CHF 5'000.- (refunded at the end of the stay, minus any deductions)
  • Personal Account – CHF 5'000.- (refunded at the end of the stay, minus any deductions)


School fees are payable in three instalments:

  • Autumn term: 31 May 2024
  • Winter term: 25 October 2024
  • Spring term: 31 January 2025

You can download the 2024-25 School Year Fees, Terms and Conditions here


Annual Boarding and Academic Fees 2023-24

You can download a breakdown of the school fees for 2023-2024 by clicking here. The French and Culture programme fees breakdown in available here

Please not that the 2023-24 school fees are payable in three instalments at the following dates:

  • Autumn term: 2 June 2023
  • Winter term: 27 October 2023
  • Spring term: 2 February 2024

Please ensure you speak to your agent if anything is unclear or get in touch with our admissions team here

surval montreux, switzerland

The Surval Montreux fees include

  • Class tuition
  • Use of facilities, library and access to the Internet
  • Evening and weekend activities at school or locally
  • Curricular excursions within Switzerland (non residential)
  • Loan of text books and other materials for class (some may need to be bought)
  • Accommodation and all meals
  • Laundry (excluding dry cleaning)
  • Third party insurance cover
  • Provision of all linen

surval montreux principal Nicola Dudley

Optional Supplementary Charges

  • Small group coaching or private lessons (up to CHF 120.-)
  • Single Room
  • Public examination entry fees and individual invigilation costs (if required)
  • School trips outside Switzerland (or residential trips in Switzerland)
  • Weekend excursions, cultural and recreational trips where significant entry or travel fees are charged
  • Ski equipment rentals and team clothing where appropriate
  • Airport travel to/from the school, special escorts and booking fees
  • Dry cleaning
  • Costs arising from damage to property
  • Extra skiing
  • Parents are recommended to take out cancellation insurance for school trips as no reimbursement is possible

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